Law No.6 of 2010 concerning Labor in Private Sector as Amended

Training Objectives

Labour Law No. 6 of 2010 in the private sector has been issued and undergone some amendments in 2017 and 2018. The law aims to create fair balance between the interests of the workers and their protection on the one hand, and employers’ interests on the other hand given the positive effects of this balance on both the individual and the community.

The workshop aims to introduce participants to terms on recruitment, employment contracts and its provisions, types of leaves, end of service and remuneration, etc. It also aims at enhancing the necessary skills for Human Resources Departments and Legal Departments in terms of calculating payroll, staff overtime, as per law, computing end of service entitlements and managing labor disputes under the said Law.

Target Audience

Training Methodology

Training Details

Enquiry & Registration

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